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Blue Spring Living Water: Spring Water vs. Purified Water: What’s the Difference?

Cameron Cardwell • Jun 24, 2024

Blue Spring Living Water: Spring Water vs. Purified Water: What’s the Difference?

A common Internet search is, what is better, spring or purified water

Both are popular water drinking choices, however, they have distinct differences which can influence your decision.

best spring water to drink

Spring Water: Straight from the Earth

Spring water comes straight from natural springs.

These springs are typically located in mountainous or other elevated regions where groundwater flows to the surface.

The appeal of
spring water lies in its natural origin. It is often touted for its purity, as it is filtered through layers of soil and rock, which can add beneficial minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

One of the primary benefits of spring water is its mineral content, which can contribute to your daily nutritional intake.

Additionally, many people prefer the taste of
spring water because of these minerals. However, we need to warn you, NOT all brands are equals.

Blue Spring Living Water has nothing added in. It is mineral-rich drinking water directly from the source and completely untouched by any processing. It is rich in calcium and magnesium which are very necessary nutrients for human health.

When investigating and comparing a
spring water resource make sure you look at what is added in.

Purified Water = Processed Water 

Purified water undergoes a rigorous filtration process to remove impurities and contaminants.

Methods such as reverse osmosis, distillation, or deionization are commonly used.

However, the purification process also removes minerals, which can affect the taste and potentially leave the water tasting flat or bland.

best spring water to drink

Spring Water for the Win

The best thing for our bodies as humans are always going to be natural resources.

Straight from the earth just the way God intended. Have you tried Blue Spring Living Water yet?

best spring water to drink

Blue Spring Living Water

300 years in the making, our spring water comes from the Blount County’s Great Blue Spring, fed by the Bangor Aquifer. 

It took three centuries for the spring water flowing to the surface to make its way through limestone rock to the surface.

Our spring water has a high pH value, along with calcium, magnesium and silica, a mix that can promote muscle and bone health and flush toxins from the body.

It is tested weekly and is filtered twice - using a micro filter and ozone filtering - before bottling.

It is one of the few North American waters truly bottled at the source of a natural spring. It is never processed with nothing added in.

In fact, Blue Spring Living Water is naturally mineral-enriched and has a perfect 7.0 pH balance; guaranteed fresh, pure, delicious, healing water. 

Have you tried it yet? Give our delicious spring water a try! We’ve been told once you do - we have a customer for life! 

 Blue Spring Living Water: The Best Water in the United States! 

The incredible blend of magnesium and calcium found in Blue Spring Living Water spring offers a natural elixir of health benefits. 

From fortifying bones and muscles to regulating heart rhythms and nerve transmissions, and so much more. 

The remarkable relationship between magnesium and calcium creates the intricate balance that sustains our well-being. 

Have you tried Blue Spring Living Water yet? You can find us in numerous grocery stores.

Are you looking for
home water delivery? You can have our 12-pack bottles shipped to your door and if you are from the state of Alabama  home delivery service is available in most areas.

You can have the best natural spring water in the United States sent right from the source to your home!

Give our delicious spring water a try! We’ve been told once you do - we have a customer for life! 

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